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Guru Definition of Guru by MerriamWebster ~ In Hinduism a guru is a personal spiritual teacher In ancient India knowledge of the Vedas a body of liturgical literature was transmitted orally from guru to pupil
Guru Wikipedia ~ In pan Indian traditions guru is more than a teacher in Sanskrit guru means the one who dispels the darkness and takes towards light traditionally a reverential figure to the student with the guru serving as a counselor who helps mold values shares experiential knowledge as much as literal knowledge an exemplar in life an inspirational source and who helps in the spiritual evolution of a student
Guru definition of guru by The Free Dictionary ~ Sikhism the doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam religious leader leader of a religious order 3 guru a recognized leader in some field or of some movement a guru of genomics
Guru rapper Wikipedia ~ Keith Edward Elam July 17 1961 – April 19 2010 better known by his stage name Guru a backronym for Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal was an American rapper producer and actor He was a member of the legendary hip hop duo Gang Starr along with DJ Premier He was born in Roxbury Boston
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